Posted by Asa Jay in General
So I’m going through my inbox. Shamefully it has over 8,000 stored emails. You read that correctly, just my INBOX has over eight THOUSAND saved emails. I have some other folders that collectively boast over 4,000. Good grief. I started at the beginning, which from appearances, looks like I started saving emails in 1999.
I just ran across a reply to an email I posted to the DeTomaso Email Forum on September 12, 2001. It was the day after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York. I was at work, mulling over all the network commentators predictions of reduced freedoms and liberties in order to preserve our security.
… and this is what I wrote then. Today it’s just as valid:
I know we’ve all said much, thought much, and are still contemplating our
own thoughts and what we as individuals and a nation, should do.
I pass my condolences to those families and friends who have lost loved
ones in this tragedy. I had the misfortune of needing to attend a funeral
for a friend who recently retired from my squadron. He was young, 44 and
died last week. I was awaken, some what in horror, by Shelley calling me
on her cell phone, early in the morning on her way to work, telling me I
had to turn on the TV. By then, one tower was gone, and I watched in
silent horror as the other crumbled at the top, then slowly sank to the
ground. All I could think of, is that those two pinnacles of trade,
freedom and world cooperation, were gone. And no one knew how many people
might be inside.
Four planes. Four major airliners. Not some puddle jumpers, not some
commuter special/banana republic turbo-prop airplanes. These were major
air carrier jumbo jets ( I use jumbo only to convey size, not to confuse
with 747 ). A coordinated effort to Hijack each one. At this time, it
would appear that no firearms were used. No firearms, no handguns, no
hand-grenades, no rifles, no uzis, no assault weapons, no explosives. I
look around my cubicle at work, and I have already found half a dozen items
I could personaly use to incapacitate a person. These are common office
products, any of which I could use to instill fear by stabbing. And this
is allegedly what they did.
I’ve heard recently this morning, that the one plane that crashed in the
Pennsylvania field, had the passengers attempting to overcome the hijackers.
I commend their effort, and say Bravo. For they, of any, realized the
worth of freedom and were willing to sacrifice personal safety to insure
that freedom for others, whether on that plane, or on the ground. They
were not going to sit idly by and let someone else determine their future.
I am only sorry they were not entirely successful.
And this brings me to what I personally feel. That the security of these
United states, is NOT insured by the Government, it is NOT insured by the
Military, it is NOT insured by the Border Patrol, the State Patrol, the
Sheriff, or the local Policeman. They are simply tools, individuals who
have elected to be on the front lines, to help protect and defend the
freedoms of those Americans who desire to be free. They can not, and never
will, insure freedom for all. Only the citizen can insure that.
We do NOT need gun control
We do NOT need wiretaps on all homes
We do NOT need constant surveillance
We do NOT need restrictions on our freedom of movement
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Today, we attended the memorial service for one of my wife’s grandfathers who recently died. His death was not unexpected and we had the wonderful opportunity to visit him in the hospital a week before he died at home under Hospice care. While at the service there were reminders of how valuable Dads are.
Dads are our biggest asset when we are young men. They teach us things about life. They help us understand the difference between hot and cold, sharp and dull. When my dad accidentally drilled a hole in his finger (holding the board on the opposite side he was drilling), I learned not to do that. Sure, there were things he taught me without the need to draw blood. One thing was how to treat women right.
When I started getting interested in girls, so long ago now I can’t remember when that was, my Dad told me one thing: Never do or say anything to a girl, you wouldn’t want some other guy to do or say to your sister. Well, that sure put a damper on things. Mind you my sister was younger and it wasn’t until -after- she got married, that I finally got married.
I’m not sure this little teaching of Dad’s is what kept me from marrying so long, but his advice was sound. He had lots of good advice, just like Shelley’s grandfather did to his kids. Today I had an opportunity to live those ethics.
While leaving the service, I needed to move our Jeep from it’s impromptu parking spot next to a fence to where the others could get in. As I began to move forward I managed to run over a field tap on a water main line. I didn’t realize it was there, and it wasn’t until I felt a bump as I slowly drove forward that I found out. Suddenly a large geyser of water erupted behind me. I suddenly felt like I was in a movie and had just run over a fire hydrant. All eyes were on me. Now what?
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Posted by Asa Jay in General
Last week saw one of the most devastating earthquakes in recent history. The island which is home to both Haiti and the Dominican Republic was hit with a magnitude 7 earthquake just west of Port-au-Prince. Photos show a scale of destruction reminiscent of war. Indeed, today I read the body count of those recovered and given burial has reached over 40,000 and expectations are for that number to reach over 100,000 dead. Something like this causes our own family and local situations to pale in comparison.
Shelley and I have received some generous donations to help us defray the medical costs incurred by Sam’s recent surgery. Most recently Sam had another visit to the pediatric GI specialist and we found out Sam needs to see a specialist in either Wisconsin or Ohio for some specialized tests that can’t be done in Spokane. Wow, that should run up the bills but how does it compare to Haiti?
In addition, Sam recently saw a dentist that specializes in Autistic children. Shelley walked away with a $4,000 estimate to repair cavities. Holy Cow! Evidently his teeth are a minefield of holes. So a new strain will be put on our pocketbook, a huge one we’d not anticipated. Sam hardly eats anything sugary but that doesn’t mean anything. But let’s put this into a perspective taking Haiti into consideration.
Entire buildings have collapsed in Haiti, trapping or killing anyone inside. The major sea port entry into Haiti has been shaken and is currently impassable, goods can’t be brought in very easily. Family members are dead or dying, bodies are piling up, food is becoming scarce, there isn’t any shelter, chaos is beginning to reign and the criminal element is taking over. The need there, is very great. What can we do?
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Back in September, I wasn’t so sure Christmas was going to be a great affair this year. Sam was in the hospital undergoing surgery to bring his small intestine out to an ostomy bag. That was four months ago. Today, we have a happy six year old, still with Autism, but in much better shape, better mood, more exciting than ever before. Even though the economy is slim and we couldn’t afford much, we’ve had a great Christmas.
Nothing could have been better, than to have Sam around. From my point of view, it was also very nice to have Shelley here. The three of us make a family and Christmas is best spent with family and friends, but mostly family. Just being with each other, to see the smiles on faces, to get the hugs and the thank yous. I think that’s all I needed, even though gift giving did come in to play.
Shelley budgeted a very small amount this year which meant we were -not- spending a lot on anyone. We focused on Sam since he’ll only be a little boy once. Thankfully, probably due to our faith, we had some other things come our way to really round things out. First, we had some generous donations that helped defray a small portion of our medical bills. That was very nice. Second, we had some donations of extra gifts that really made Sam’s Christmas more special.
Christmas eve we went to our church and watched the small service. Some friends of ours played or sang, the service was narrowly focused, well timed and a pleasure to be in. We came home, had a little dessert and went to bed. Sometime during the night, Santa made a visit and deposited a few gifts for Sam under the tree. Unlike most kids though, Sam wasn’t really aware on Christmas morning until we pointed it out to him.
Sam’s Autistic day started like any other, he wanted breakfast and to get dressed. That just wouldn’t do for mommy though, so she pointed out this was Christmas, and tried to probe Sam for anything he might remember about the day. Well, at some point he found some new unwrapped gifts under the tree; suddenly it was “hurry mommy, I have to have breakfast -quick-!” It was a smiling moment for certain.
Since the operation, Sam has been a much more energetic boy. Although it took some getting used to the Ostomy system, we are all past that now as we help him every day. Sam is also coming along in his understanding of how it works and is helping when he can, in the capacity that he can. I have confidence that if this becomes a life long thing for him, he’ll deal with it very well. I still pray he will heal and therapy can help him so he can have this reversed and be more like the normal kids. If you feel compelled, we still have the donation link available and appreciate all donations to help pay for Sam’s medical bills.
It was also a beautiful day here with the sun shining and temps in the low 30’s. We didn’t get snow this year, but then again there are plenty of people who are glad about that. Last year we set a record for snowfall, with the overwhelming majority of it coming in just two days. Can you imagine nearly six feet of snow inside of a week? It was something to behold.
So we didn’t have a white Christmas, but we did have a nice family Christmas and that’s one of the things it’s all about.
Asa Jay
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The last several months have brought about a lot of harsh and bitterly opposed viewpoints on health care. There seem to be no end to the claims on both sides of the argument that their side is the better way to go, the better way “for the people” of the U.S. Unfortunately, I believe all this has led to a shutdown of reasonable discourse on the subject, resulting in an abstraction of the real problems and the inference of band-aid solutions (with apologies to the Band-Aid brand).
So what is the reasonable course? Is the system broken? Is it hard to get health care? Is there no access to health care? What happens if I need health care? I may not have all the answers, but my family has been using health care for some time.
Most recently, as evidenced by my last post, my family had to avail itself of the health care system in a major way. Sam spent nearly two weeks in the hospital and came home with a life changing operation. There is nothing like a direct experience to help a person understand what is at stake in the health care debate. This is my point of view, a first person perspective mingled with cautious thought. Personally, I don’t think our system is -that- broken.
I’ve always maintained a view that I’m okay paying for services that I know I’m paying for. You want to pick up my trash, okay, I’ll buy into that, just send me a bill every month that is commensurate with my level of garbage production. Same with electricity, water, sewage, etc. But you want to charge me a percentage of my homes estimated value to fund schools, snow plowing and other services without giving an accounting of where the money is going? I don’t think so. Or at least I can say I’m not comfortable with that; I would rather know what I’m paying for. With health care, there is a little bit of a difference in that a person can pay into an insurance program.
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