The Bottom End:
In the beginning
The block comes back
Pistons and Rods
Windage Tray and Cam Timing
The Timing Set
The Eccentric Problem
First Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Final Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Oiling Part 1: Pump and pickup
Oiling Part 2: External Plumbing
The Top End:
The 4V Heads
Putting the Heads On the Block
Installing the Hydraulic Roller
Conversion Kit
The Transmission:
The Case:
Darryl's Stang Stable
The Block and Bottom End:
In The Beginning
This rebuild started with a short block I picked up a couple of years
ago, before the current engine grenaged. For my purposes, to save overall
time and hassle, I chose to rebuild this block for replacement into the
Mach I. The current engine installed in the car had already been bored
.030 over when I rebuilt it in 1985, so the chances are slim that is is
rebuildable again.

This is pretty much how I received the block. It had spent some
time outside, but covered. We see the top side of the block. All the
piston tops look charred. There were no heads when I purchased this
block. From this position, you can clearly see the water outlet at
the front, and the distributor hole to the right. |
Turning the engine over, Here we see the bottom
end with the oil pan still in place. The whole thing is prety worn.
Small spots of a shade of blue paint are faintly seen here and there.
Evidence of oil leaks abound. From here we will remove the oil pan
and start removing rods and pistons. |

Once the pan was off, we can see inside. The majority of the bottom
end looked pretty bad. I would venture to say this engine had been
run low on oil sometime in it's past. All parts were pretty well coated
with a hardened soot. You can see the oil pump pickup in this shot,
has a shroud around it. This aids the pickup during cornering, by
preventing all the oil from sloshing to the side. Also, the oil pan
had a large baffle in it. Note also the 2-bolt main caps. |
The first engine I did for the Mach I was in similar shape, the only
difference being that this one didn't smell like burnt oil. That was probably
due mostly to the fact it had been out of a car for a few years, allowing
the smell to dissapate.
Here it's difficult to see, but I have the oil pump sitting on the
baffle "shelf" in the oil pan. This is constructed so a
majority of oil stays put around the pickup on hard corners. Since
this Mach I is used more for everyday type use, we will re-use this
pan, along with using an oil accumulator for thos times when the system
does go into oil starvation. |
This is the Harmonic Balancer. It was in very pathetic shape. As
you can see here, the rubber ring between the inner hub and the outer
balance ring, is severely cracked. Being very well worn, I decided
to have this one rebuilt by Damper Dudes. I sent this one out, and
got a different one back. What I got back was better. : ) |
Here is the tming set in all it's glory. Amazingly enough, the plastic
teeth are still intact around the aluminum gear. The last original
engine I took apart had all the plastic gone and the chain was running
straight on the aluminum gear. If you look at the photo just right,
you can see how much slop there was in the chain, though not bad,
it would need replacing. Again, look at how dirty this all was, black
everywhere. |