The Bottom End:
In the beginning
The block comes back
Pistons and Rods
Windage Tray and Cam Timing
The Timing Set
The Eccentric Problem
First Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Final Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Oiling Part 1: Pump and pickup
Oiling Part 2: External Plumbing
The Top End:
The 4V Heads
Putting the Heads On the Block
Installing the Hydraulic Roller
Conversion Kit
The Transmission:
The Case:
Darryl's Stang Stable
The Top End:
The Heads
I had picked up a set of heads a while back. They had been packaged and
were supposedly all set to go. Well, I guess I wasn't too surprised when
I unboxed them later and found they really were not what I had expected.
They had been done alright, just not correctly. New valve guides had been
installed but not been machinded at the top for positive seals. This was
a problem in that the top is crowned and when they pressed in the new
guides, the crowns cracked. Machining took care of that. The valves and
seats appeared to have only been "lapped" and not actually machined.
The springs and retainers didn't fit together well, very sloppy and it
had all original valves installed. I took them to Cylinder Head Service
of Spokane, WA. They fixed me up real well.I finally got a camera that
can get me some good close up photos too..

These are the finished heads. 4V Cleveland heads with Quench
combustion chambers, D0AE.
All new Stainless valves from Manley were installed. Hardened seats
were installed in all exhuast valve locations. The heads were planed
about .004 and look great. All new hardware was used as well, new
Crane valve springs, retainers and keepers, matched to the cam being
used. |
This is an indication of a job well done. When I dropped off the
heads, I left my Crane catalog with them, along with all the new parts.
The arrow in this photo points to valve spring shims installed under
the spring. These are used to get the correct installed spring height.
This is critical for proper open and closed spring pressures. These
are almost always needed when rebuilding heads and having the valves
done. |
Now the fun part. These heads were not the BOSS 351 variety, so
the rocker arm pedastals were not machined flat. Since this is a very
intense process to machine (multiple angles, mutliple machine setups),
most shops won't do the machine work unless you pay a lot of money.
Crane Cams sells a conversion kit that allows you to install studs
for adjustable rockers. Here, we are chasing all the pedastal threads
with a tap. |
After chasing all the bolt holes and blowing them out, we place
the pushrod guide plate on the pedastal. These help keep the hardened
pushrods in place. Later, a plastic insert will actually go into the
slot and the pushrod goes through the plastic part. More photos later
as we put the heads on the block. |
The conversion kit comes with new studs, guidelplates, guideplate
inserts, special thread-locker and an installation tool. Well, it's
just an adjusting nut and stop nut really, but it works great. To
assembly, apply some of the thread locker to the stud end inserted
into the head, then torque to Crane's specification. The most important
part is to let this whole assemlby sit for a good day or so to let
the thread locker do it's job. |