The Bottom End:
In the beginning
The block comes back
Pistons and Rods
Windage Tray and Cam Timing
The Timing Set
The Eccentric Problem
First Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Final Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Oiling Part 1: Pump and pickup
Oiling Part 2: External Plumbing
The Top End:
The 4V Heads
Putting the Heads On the Block
Installing the Hydraulic Roller
Conversion Kit
The Transmission:
The Case:
Darryl's Stang Stable
The Block and Bottom End:
The Timing Set
Timing sets usually consist of two gears and a chain. Full Roller timing
chains are best, and that's what I ran on my last rebuild. Unfortunately,
chains wear out and become slack. Mine was no exception. There is an alternative.
A Gear Drive assembly. This consists of the crank gear and cam gear, similar
to before, but also includes a driver and idler gear that sit between.
There is no chain involved. Typically these drives are more noisy, but
Pete Jackson has created a "quiet" drive set that is supposed
to be a bit less noisy. We'll see.
This is the new thrust plate assembly I'm going to be using. It
consists of two sets of Torrington bearings and a new thicker, machined
relief thrust plate. One set of bearings goes between the cam and
thrust plate, the other between the thrust plate and the cam timing
gear. NOTE: a regular cam timing gear will need to be machined in
order to accept this bearing thrust kit. The Pete Jackson gear drive,
for whatever reason, is already machined to accept this setup. They
include a bronze thrust washer that must be used if you DON'T use
a bearing set. |
I'll get a better photo of this later. This is the cam gear of the
new Pete Jackson setup. The bronze bushing (washer) is shown here
as well. For my application, I will not need this washer, as the cam
gear (without the washer) meets the machining requirements of the
bearing thrust set. |
Now before we get too excited about putting the tining set into
the block, we needed to drill a .030 hole in the drivers side lifter
galley plug. This photo makes it very hard to see, but in the middle
of this plug is a small hole. Oil will weep through this hole and
drip onto the distributor gear assembly. We made this mod to help
prolong the life of the distributor gear. |
Here, the new Pete Jackson cam gear is in place. Notice the smooth
flat face of the gear. This posed a very perplexing problem with regards
to the fuel pump eccentric. The stock setup would no longer fit correctly
so we had to do something new. We'll cover that in our next page. |