The Bottom End:
In the beginning
The block comes back
Pistons and Rods
Windage Tray and Cam Timing
The Timing Set
The Eccentric Problem
First Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Final Solution
to the Eccentric Problem
Oiling Part 1: Pump and pickup
Oiling Part 2: External Plumbing
The Top End:
The 4V Heads
Putting the Heads On the Block
Installing the Hydraulic Roller
Conversion Kit
The Transmission:
The Case:
Darryl's Stang Stable
The Block and Bottom End:
The Eccentric Problem
No project would be complete without a small amount of modification.
We've already seen some mods done to this engine, but the next hurdle
was a bit perplexing. The problem lie in the fuel pump eccentric; that
part mounted to the cam gear that drives the mechanical fuel pump. Let
me explain:
This is how a stock cam gear for a 351C usually looks. (this one
has had some filing done to be a "special too for another project,
but you get the idea). In the center of the face, there is a ledge.
The dark area is actually raised about .050 above the rest of the
gear face. This is to accomodate the two piece eccentric that drives
the fuel pump. |
Here, the first of the two pieces is fit against the old gear. Note
how the inner edge clears the entire ledge on the gear. The next piece
that goes in has a tab on the backside that will fit into the cam
pin alignment hole. |
And now, we place the second of the two pieces. This one fits against
the ledge and the bolt holds it firmly. The outer ring is allowed
to turn freely, thereby reducing any wear on the eccentric or the
fuel pump lever. The light area in the eccentric is where the bolt
washer sits. So that's how the two piece eccentric fits. Unfortunately,
with the flat face of the Pete Jackson drive, I can't mount this same
setup. |